TOP 100

University Ranking by Student Global Performance in global INSPIRELI World Architecture University Ranking

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Africa University Ranking

4 Cairo University, Faculty of Engineering Architecture Department. 50 Egypt
5 Tshwane University of Technology (TUT), Department of Architecture, Pretoria 20 South Africa
6 École Nationale d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme (ENAU) Tunis 12 Tunisia
7 Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University in Abbaseya, Cairo 12 Egypt
8 Limkokwing university of technology 10 Swaziland
9 Ecole Africaine des Métiers d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme (EAMAU) a Lomé (Togo) 10 Togo
10 Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University in Mansoura 10 Egypt
11 International School of Architecture -ISA- Sfax 8 Tunisia
12 Unity University 8 Ethiopia
13 Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University in Alexandria 8 Egypt
14 Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Engineering,modern academy for engineering and technology in maadi 6 Egypt
15 Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University in Alexandria 6 Egypt
16 Ecole nationale d'architecture,Rabat (ENA) 6 Morocco
17 Architecture Department at Fayoum University 4 Egypt
18 Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University in Zagazig 4 Egypt
19 University of Lagos, Akoka-yaba 4 Nigeria
20 Federal University of Technology Akure Ondo State Nigeria 4 Nigeria
22 Ain Shams University 4 Egypt
23 department of interior design of the faculty of art and design , msa university in 6 october city ,cairo 4 Egypt
24 University of Johannesburg, Department of Architecture, Johannesburg 4 South Africa
25 I.S.A.U 4 Congo
26 École supérieure d'audiovisuel et de design 2 Tunisia
27 Ardhi university 2 Tanzania
28 College of Architecture, University of Khartoum, Khartoum 2 Sudan
29 Jimma university 2 Ethiopia
30 École nationale supérieure des travaux publics Yaoundé 2 Cameroon
31 Aswan university 2 Egypt
32 Thebes academy 2 Egypt
33 Instituto Superior de Ciências e Tecnologia de Moçambique 2 Mozambique
34 Pharos university 2 Egypt
35 Institut d'architecture de Batna 2 Algeria
36 Institut d'architecture de Mostaganem 2 Algeria
37 Institut d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme, Université Saad Dahlab de Blida 2 Algeria
38 Shorouk Academy 2 Egypt
39 Benghazi University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Benghazi 2 Libya
40 College of Architecture, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Khartoum 2 Sudan
41 Arab academy for science and technology 2 Egypt
42 Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria 2 Nigeria
43 Academic Institute of Excellence 2 South Africa
44 Modern Sciences and Arts University (MSA) 2 Egypt
45 Horus university faculty of Engineering 2 Egypt
46 Badr University in Cairo 2 Egypt

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